Advancing Trained

SeXUAl &


healthcare providers

since 2007

Repro TLC (formerly Midwest Access Project) fills gaps nationwide in clinical training and education and mobilizes our network to advocate for more just and equitable sexual and reproductive care.

Our mission

To improve access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care by training providers in abortion, miscarriage care, contraception, and pregnancy options counseling. 


We respond to the needs of our trainees, training sites, and partners.


We train providers who represent and serve those most impacted by reproductive oppression.


We seek to build and strengthen wider reproductive health and justice movements.

"My training with [Repro TLC] solidified my decision to become an abortion provider — and a reproductive justice champion. If it wasn’t for the training and the connections I made as a result, I never would have become so involved."

repro TLC Clinical Training Alum


advancing knowledge

Learn more about evidence-based studies and insights from leaders in the field that highlight the importance of comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care education and training.

An Assessment of MAP’s Clinical Training Model

Journal: Contraception, January 2018

Examines the effectiveness of our training model, showing that most alum provide full-scope contraception and pregnancy options counseling, and over half offer abortion care in their communities.

Implications of Overturning Roe v Wade on Abortion Training in US OB-GYN Residency Programs

Journal: Obstetrics & Gynecology, April 2022

Assesses the impact of abortion bans on OB-GYN residency programs, who found that nearly 44% of current residents are likely to lack access to in-state abortion training if Roe v. Wade is overturned.

Abortion Policies in U.S. Teaching Hospitals

Journal: Obstetrics & Gynecology, June 2020

Reveals how restrictive abortion policies in teaching hospitals — especially in the Midwest — create barriers to clinical training and reinforce abortion stigma among medical trainees and staff.

  • Training

  • Liberation

  • Care

  • Technical Assistance

  • Love


  • Teens

  • learners

  • Collaboration

  • Transgender

  • Listening

  • Community

  • Thrive

  • Legacy

  • Change

  • Trust

  • Longevity