Movement Allies

Midwest Access Project is allied with groups dedicated to expanding access to full scope reproductive health care through advocacy, research, and services.

Featured Allies in the Movement

The Coalition was formed to advance Reproductive Justice in Illinois. Led by EverThrive Illinois, Chicago Abortion Fund, National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum, and Illinois Caucus for Adolescent Health, has launched the RJ Public Awareness and Education Campaign with downloadable images and fact sheets. Everyone deserves access to the sexual and reproductive health services that are right for them. Whether choosing your preferred contraceptive method or accessing abortion serices, the #AdvancingRJ campaign offers the resources people need.


Cedar River Clinics has released the Pregnancy Options Workbook to provide patient-centered information, resources, and support for pregnant people. “If you’re here, you are probably pregnant and not sure what to do. You’re in the right place. Read on. The people who put together this workbook support you no matter what you choose. We have done our best to give you a realistic picture of all the choices you can make—abortion, adoption, and parenting. You will find exercises to help you make the best decision for you.” – Excerpt from workbook